
Q and A, Spirits, Rum

Rum | A.H.Riise

The Rise of Riise Rum!

A.H. Riise Rum
Catching up with Bjorn Jenson, Director of Sales at A.H. Riise Spirits

Q: Who are you/what do you do?  
A: The company A.H. Riise Spirits ApS is a Danish producer of rum, gin, and bitters. A.H. Riise Spirits ApS buy their rum from all over the West Indies and Central America. Only the best rums are destined to be enjoyed from a glass in the far future. Depending on whether it is at navy rum, a spiced rum or the luxurious Non-Plus Ultra, the cellar master chooses the casks from which to blend the exact rum.

Solera Rum

Q: What was the inspiration for working with A.H.Riise?  
The name and legacy are based on the name and life of Danish Pharmacist, scientist and rum maker Albert Heinrich Riise, born in the year 1810 on the small Danish island of Ærø. He sought permission from the Danish King to open a pharmacy in St. Thomas, at the time a Danish colony in the West Indies. Given the blessing by the Danish King, Albert Heinrich Riise opened his pharmacy in the City of Charlotte Amalie in 1838. His business grew and expanded and soon he was distilling, maturing, blend and exporting amongst others his high-class rum all over the world. Especially to and through the Danish navy and naval associations.

XO Sauterness Cask

The A.H.Riise rum today is produced with respect for old traditions and we like to call it a “modern-day interpretation of the rum that charmed the world in the eighteenth and the start of the nineteenth century”. We have a very good relationship with Albert Heinrich Riise´s living descendants, to whom we dedicated the A.H. Riise Family Reserve. The story about Albert Heinrich Riise and his entrepreneurial.

A.H. Riise Non Plus Ultra

Q:  How long have you worked at A.H.Riise?
A: I have worked in the company since October 2017.

A.H. Riise Black Barrel

Q: How big is the team .?
A.H.Riise Spirits ApS is not a big company measured on the numbers of employees, it that is what you mean. We call the small and historic city of Dragør by the sea just outside Copenhagen our home, and we are currently 8 people in the office working with primarily in administration, marketing, supply chain, compliance, and overall management. We work closely with big distributors on all the markets in which we are represented regarding the sales and distribution of our products.

Q: What is your favourite part of the production process?
A: Personally, I really appreciate the opportunity to witness the entire process from choosing amongst the different distillates, deciding on the final blend to be involved in all the thoughts and beautiful craftmanship that lays behind creating the perfect expression for that particular product – all from choosing the right bottle to watch how the graphic designers work on e.g. the labels and gift boxes. It is a really creative process, and nothing is left to change.

Q: What is your favorite A.H.Riise Rum to enjoy? Why?
A: I think that every person has their own A.H. Riise favorite. It is a bit like saying which one of your children you like the best. Having to make a choice I would have to say that A.H. Riise Centennial Celebration is at the top of my list. It contains everything a good rum should have. It is sweet and mellow, yet it still has an edge. I find that you really sense that it is an old and exclusive matured rum with the longest aftertaste you can possibly imagine. I think it is blended to perfection. I also really like that it celebrates the 100 year marking of the Danish sale of her colonies in the West Indies to the US. The islands are known today as the America virgin isles. A wonderful drink with a great story.

A.H. Riice Navy Strength

Q: What is your favorite thing about working for A.H.Riise?
A: Being an experienced manager (not old of cause!) I have held several positions within great companies. What I really like about this particular company, is the fact that we are a team. We all know each other well, and since we are not a big office, we all have a very important role to play making sure that we continue our great success and growth. Also, I appreciate being part of bringing the great legacy of Albert Heinrich Riise back to live.  

Q: Do you travel often with your job? If so where has been your favourite place to visit?
A: The short answer is “yes”. We are very privileged to receive invitations from distributer from all over the world who have tasted or heard of A.H. Riise rums. We care very much about who sell our products, and we strive to create strong and loyal relationships with all we choose to distribute our products. Sure, in these digital times most can be dealt with via skype, mail, and phone, but the human factor is important to us. There is no particular “favorite place”, where ever I can enjoy a glass of A.H.Riise in the company of pleasant and positive rum loving people, I am thriving.

Q: What is your favorite Rum outside of A.H.Riise?
A: That is a difficult one. I would have to say a Jamaican rum from 1941 matured in Europe and bottled in 2008.

Q: How do you drink your Rum? Straight/mix?
A: Nine out of ten times I take my rum straight, but that is of cause easy for me to do since I always have the highest quality within arm’s length. I do however also appreciate a good Cuba Libra (rum&coke). A.H. Riise Black Barrel is a very good match with coca-cola.

Q: What do you see in store for the Rum industry in the years ahead?
A: Rum has definitely become more popular over the last years, which also aspires a lot of new products in the market, hence I foresee even more focus on the quality of the products. Also, I see even more rules and regulations within the area. I welcome this and hope it will contribute to making the market a bit more transparent. With this said, the charm of good rum is also, that it has always been a renegade – a rebel if you like. Too many rigid rules and regulations may result in rum losing some of its original charm, but let’s see.

Q: The Rum market seems to be going from strength to strength. Why do you think Rum is getting so popular?  
Oh, I think there is a lot of subjective answers to that question depending on who is asked. Personally, I think the main reason is, that it genuinely is easier to drink for those who are not costumed with drinking strong alcohol. Sure, you can find very sharp and dry rums as well, but over the years a lot of quality rums have appeared that are more nice and mellow playing on the more sweet and aromatic taste buds.

Q: What do you see as the latest Rum styles to look out for in 2019/20? 
I am not sure that I see an actual trend besides the fact, that most rum drinkers are being drawn towards the more sweet and aromatic rums.

Q: Looking ahead, what new Rums can we expect from you?  
We have a lot of great plans, also for our other brand “Santos Dumont” but we are not ready to disclose any details yet.

Q: What is the best part of your job?
Besides all the above? – being able to bring the company further and give more people the opportunity to experience the many facets to rum, that many still don’t know. And of cause that I get to spend my days around products, I really enjoy myself.

Q: What was your first drink and where were you when you had it?  
I think I was around 13 years old when I stole a drink from my father’s cupboard. I do not remember what I was drinking, but I remember thinking that it tasted horrible, and really did not get why all grown-ups enjoyed it so much. I know better now!

Q: If you have to pick (we know, tough choice!) which would be your top three Rums in the whole world?
Besides A.H. Riise I would have to say an old Caroni and an old Jamaica pot still rum.

Q: You are stuck on a desert island, what three things are you taking with you? 
A fully charged satellite phone, 100 liters of spring water and of course a case of selected A.H. Riise.

Beers of Europe Random Rum Facts:

What is Rum?

Rum is a distilled alcoholic drink made by fermenting and distilling sugarcane molasses or sugarcane juice.  Often produced in the Caribbean and American counties and also other sugar-producing countries like India and the Philippines.

Is Rum sweet?

Rum is made from sugar but that doesn’t mean it’s sweet, for example, a white rum can be dry.  Aging rum in oak adds tannins and wood flavorings which can produce dark rum which is as pucker as Scotch.

Is Rum is good for health?

Rum can increase good cholesterol, also known as HDL cholesterol, and combat artery blockages, helping to prevent heart attacks and heart disease. As always all  alcoholic beverages should be consumed in moderation

Is Rum good for skin?

Amazingly rum is great for antibacterial properties.  The active ingredients in rum can calm your acne and pimples and calm away the bacteria.

The A.H. Riise range is available here.