Beavertown began its journey in 2011, founded by Logan Plant, son of Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant, as a homebrew project that has become one of London’s finest craft breweries. In that time they have grown exponentially producing big tasting beers in cans with an easily recognisable design. Famous for a core range including Gamma Ray and Neck Oil as well as having a wide range of experimental brews, they continue to push the boundaries of the beer industry.
Neck Oil is an every day, easy drinking IPA that life as a home brew. Extra Pale base malts are used to keep the beer crisp and provide the perfect based for the hops to shine through. Late hop additions through the last 20 minutes of the boil and a huge addition of dry hops make this a brilliantly ‘easy’ IPA.
Neck Oil pours a hazy golden with a clean, citrus hop nose which is followed by a pleasant tropical flavour with lemon and floral hints and a lingering crisp, hoppy after taste.