Kasteel Cuvée du Château 750ml is a Belgian strong ale from Kasteel Brouwerij Vanhonsebrouck. The family-run brewery was founded in 1865 in northern Belgium and is still owned and run by the Vanhonsebroucks today. To create Kasteel Cuvée du Château, the brewers mature Kasteel Donker for 10 years, to give a rich, complex beer reminiscent of port.
Kasteel Cuvée du Château offers up aromas of roasted malts, caramel and brown sugar from the chestnut-coloured beer. The first sip reveals a rich flavour, with dark fruit and fudge flavours, and spices from the Belgian yeast. Buy Kasteel Cuvée du Château for a 10-year aged Belgian strong ale to savour as an aperitif, or pair with mature cheese.
John Sharp –
Excellent – like a dessert in a glass. Fantastic brown colour, strong malty and caramel aroma with a nutty, caramel lingering taste. Its price is just about justified by its 11% ABV, so I recommend this one.
Colin –
One to savour with strong cheese. I tried it instead of port and was surprised at how well it worked. A strong caramel smell and taste and the high ABV adds a slight sweetness to the flavour
John Sanders –
This outstanding beer pours dark brown, but hold it up to the light and it glows deep crimson. The head is pronounced on pouring but soon reduces to a thin cover which laces nicely. The aroma is malty and fruity, with perhaps a hint of licorice which compliments the sweetness. The taste is very complex – certainly more complex than its stablemate Barista Chocolate Quad which it is often compared to – figs, a hint of chocolate, raisins and yet quite spicy and peppery as it finishes. One to savour but be careful – it is wonderfully drinkable yet tips the scales at 11%. Go slowly.
Tony –
A sweet and malty very strong beer. 11%.
Smelt of caramel. Very nice but i prefer the Kasteel Brune.
Mark Charrington –
Pours opaque nearly black with a great firm lasting head Has immediate aromas of dark fruit nutmeg, cinnamon The first taste gives chocolate, pepper, honey some oatmeal. It is not as milky sweet as the Nitro Noir but taking it slowly as it warms the flavours build and hide the initial alcohol hit. This is a superb complex quadruple, winter warmer, old ale well worth every penny.
Alexey Nekhaenko –
Malty and caramel heavy, feels very solid but not too boozy, good quad option
William M –
Loved it. 10/10. Looking forward to this being restocked.