
Q and A, UK Beer and Breweries

Elgoods Brewery | Q&A

Elgoods Brewery | Q&A
Originally Posted on Dec 09, 2015

Are you curious to know about the people behind the beers you buy? Or perhaps you want to know what inspires brewers to brew and beer bloggers to blog? Our “Q&A” posts are a light hearted way of getting to know people working in, and connected to, the beer and alcohol industry.
Today’s post features Elgoods Brewery.
Elgoods brewery was established in 1795 on the banks of the River Nene in Wisbech and was the first purpose built brewery outside London. The Georgian façade is still in evidence today. The brewery was acquired by the Elgood family in 1868 and is run today by the three Elgood sisters – Belinda, Jenny and Claire.

Who are you and what do you do?   I am Marcus Beecher. I have worked at the brewery as Sales Manager for the last 8 years and I am responsible for the sales throughout the company.

What is your favourite beer, wine or spirit?   My favourite beer from Elgoods, is Golden Newt in the bottle. At 4.6% it’s a hoppy and refreshing all beer. My favourite, of all time, is Paulaner, from Germany.

What do you think makes a great beer?   A great beer should be natural, refreshing, and tasty and make you want to go back for more!

What was your first drink and where were you when you had it?   My first drink was probably milk and I was probably at home! My first alcoholic drink was Woodpecker Cider, because it was all we could get!

What drink can you no longer face having had one too many?   I once had too many gins and now tend to avoid it.

What is your favourite style of beer?   German pilsner or light beers are my favourite – it comes from my German heritage.

Bottled or canned beer?   Bottled

If you have to pick, which would be your top three beers in the whole world?   Paulaner, Spaten and Augustiner.

What is the silliest thing you’ve done whilst drunk?    I can’t remember! Maybe the rollercoaster at Oktoberfest…

What is the best part of your job?   Meeting people and doing it for fun.

You are stuck on a desert island, what three things are you taking with you?   Beer, books and a bed.

Where do you see, or hope to see, the brewery in 5 years time?   We hope the brewery will extend its range and customer base, sending Elgoods beers throughout the world.

Are there any other breweries which have influenced you?   We are influenced by all breweries and the shifting market and customer demands and expectations.

Have you always been in the brewing industry or did you do different jobs before this?   I have been in the brewing industry all my working life.

Thank you to Marcus and Elgoods Brewery for taking the time to take part.

You can view and buy beers from Elgoods Brewery here