Our ruby ale, 4% ABV – malty overtones, rich, spicy aroma & full bodied. For a 4% beer this beer has a huge amount of complexity from the malts and a depth of flavour, blending as it does the finest Maris Otter barley along with chocolate and crystal malts as well as a touch of wheat.
The backbone of the hop flavour is from the British Challenger and Goldings hops, but a European twist is added with the use of Bobek and Hersbrucker.
What’s in a name? – the hare stops rushing as he nibbles on the grass
Ness Hill –
A tasty, dark, fruity, autumnal full bodied beer. A must have for real ale drinkers who particularly lile a darker beer.
mark burman –
deep red brown complex taste sharp bitter finish multi layered
Matthew W –
Pours a dark red-brown colour with big bubbled small off-white head
Aroma of malts, burnt toast, hay, some chocolate.
Taste is very roasty and caramel malt noted with nuts, hay and a grassy bitterness.
Near medium bodied, smooth.
Neil Ward –
I really enjoyed this beer – nice and complex – definitely above average! I will be buying again.
Elle M –
Lovely and malty taste, gorgeous ruby colour
Alan Sinclair –
Beautiful ruby ale from Moon Gazer. It’s almost like a stout, full of flavour,quite bitter and tastes much stronger than 4.0. Great for a session and one I’d certainly buy again
Alexey Nekhaenko –
Beautiful. Red ale as it should be, quite thick and a bit tart
Gordon McGeachie –
A lovely ruby red ale full of flavour, a little bit on the sharp side, but most enjoyable.